On Tuesday a player won the Playtech Marvel Ultimate Power Jackpot, scooping an impressive $651,038 pot, equivalent to £462,225 or €573,801. Details of where the win occurred have not been announced yet, but the jackpot was definitely won.
Marvel Ultimate Power Jackpot is not one of the biggest progressive jackpot slots, typically paying out below $1m. It is however one of the most regular paying jackpots with an average payout time of 8 weeks.
There are several Marvel slots that are network-linked, which include Iron Man slot, Incredible Hulk slot and X-Men slot. The jackpot also comes with some smaller jackpots, named Super Power and Extra Power. These are typically much smaller than the Ultimate Power jackpot.
Earlier in March a player won $871,296 on the Ultimate Power Jackpot, suggesting that it is quite active at this time. Gaming software manufacturer Playtech have a range of jackpot slots such as the holiday-themed Beach Life slot.