sweet party jackpot slot

This Tuesday a player may have felt a sudden sugar rush having become the latest person to take down the Sweet Party jackpot, this time for $908,600 (€767,430 or £677,830).

This Playtech-built progressive jackpot slot is loaded with gummy bears, colourful candy and everlasting gobstoppers. There are 10 betting increments, with the big jackpot prize available to those that wager in the upper tier. You will win a proportion of the total jackpot if you are betting lower amounts. Fortunately for the most recent winner, they were betting the full amount at the right time to take down the whole jackpot total.

The biggest win to date on Sweet Party was in July 2015, when one lucky player scooped a rather impressive $2,815,930 in one spin. Typically this slot will pay out on average $1,198,793 and is typically won every 14 weeks. Players will have to wait a little while before it gets back up to these sorts of levels, as it re-seeds at $70,000.