Gladiator Jackpot slot logo

The movie-inspired slot Gladiator Jackpot has been taken down by one lucky player on Sunday night. They managed to win a colosseum-busting jackpot prize of $794,935 (£594,350 or €665,258), the forth win of its type in as many months on this slot – making it one of the most active big jackpots around at the moment.

The progressive jackpot on Gladiator Jackpot slot is triggered by landing 9 Gold Helmet Wilds on the reels. Punters wagering more per spin will have a better chance of hitting the jackpot, so it is definitely more suited to high rollers with a taste for winning jackpots.

Despite the impressive size of this latest win, it is actually well below average for this Playtech slot. Gladiator jackpot pays out on average $1,240,543 and is typically won every 8 to 9 weeks. These figures are dwarfed by Playtech’s biggest slots jackpot at the moment, which is £7,947,734 on Jackpot Giant. This is currently the biggest online jackpot available today.