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Zynga releases Ted slots title

Social gaming developer Zynga confirmed the release of its new slots title featuring the hit movie character Ted as part of its Hit It Rich series this week.

Ted was a successful movie release in 2012 starring Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis with Seth McFarlane voicing the computer generated talking teddy bear who had a slightly brash outlook on life.

The Hit It Rich series of slots from Zynga have already proved to be popular with online slots players and has already included some big name brand releases such as Sex and the City, The Wizard of Oz, Beverley Hillbillies and The Terminator.

The Ted version of Hit It Rich is available for players to play right now on Facebook with a mobile slots release planned for iPhone and Android at a later date. Zynga is hoping that the release of the Ted Hit It Rich slot will draw in a younger audience for the developer.

Zynga also hopes that its goal of using licensed products to sell its online and mobile slots will prove to make their slots more popular with players across the globe across all platforms.

Chief Game Designer for Hit It Rich at Zynga, Joe Kaminkow, said “Ted is really popular with people in their 20s. It’s part of their pop-culture vernacular.”

Kaminkow added “This gives us a chance to be attractive out of the gate with consumers… it’s ready-made awareness. A mouse doll will not sell as well as a Mickey Mouse doll.”